How does Fly By Miles offer such great savings:
At Fly By Miles we provide an exclusive service through offering our clients with huge savings on First Class, Business Class and even Premium Economy tickets.
How you may ask:
Over the years we have bought and accumulated air miles from almost every airline frequent flyer program. We use our air miles to book our customer flights. This provides customers with significant savings!
What is the ticket booking process:
We have made the FBM process simple and efficient:

Submit your “Flight Booking” request
Once submitted one of our travel concierge will be appointed to you and will get in touch with you as soon as possible to discuss your flight options. If you would like immediate service, please call or whatsapp us on +971 50 2536162 directly.

You confirm one of the flight options provided
Once you confirm your flight option. Our travel concierge will finalise all aspects of the flight booking with you (including payment).

Relax and Enjoy you
Our travel concierge will send over your confirmed flight booking. They will be available to you 24/7 for all your travel needs throughout your journey. You can then sit back relax and enjoy your journey.